我们视你为医院护理的合作伙伴. 当你被告知你的病情时,你可以帮助使你的护理尽可能有效, participate in 治疗 decisions and communicate openly with the physician and other healthcare professionals.
所有医院人员, medical staff members and contracted agency personnel performing patient care activities shall observe these patient rights.
体贴的, respectful care in a safe setting with recognition of their personal dignity and free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
不分种族,公平地获得治疗, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 残疾, 年龄或照顾费用的来源.
法律允许的个人和信息隐私和保密. Written permission is obtained before the medical records may be made available to anyone not directly concerned with your care.
Know which physician is primarily responsible for coordinating your care and to obtain information concerning your diagnosis (to the degree known), 治疗, outcomes of care (including unanticipated outcomes) and any known prognosis in terms you can understand.
当医院治疗不再合适时,被告知现实的治疗方案. 参与考虑在提供护理过程中出现的道德问题.
Designate visitors who shall receive the same visitation privileges as the patient’s immediate family members, 不管来访者是否与病人有法律上的关系.
访客不会因种族而被剥夺特权, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 或残疾.
指定一名可能参与病人护理计划的代表, 出院计划, 疼痛管理. 该代表应收到一份《澳门银河网上官方赌场》的副本.
Designate a support person, who may or may not be the same person as the patient’s representative. Have your rights apply to the person who may have legal responsibility to make decisions about medical care on your behalf.
合理、知情地参与涉及你的医疗保健的决策. Receive as much information about proposed 治疗 or procedures as you may need in order to give informed consent or to refuse the course of 治疗. 除了紧急情况, 该信息应包括对程序或治疗的描述, 治疗中涉及的重大风险, alternate course of 治疗 or non-治疗 and the risks involved in each and to know the name and professional status of the person who will carry out the procedure or 治疗.
Know the names and professional relationships of other physicians and healthcare providers who will see you.
Prepare Advanced Directives and appoint a surrogate to make health care decisions on your behalf and have hospital staff and practitioners comply with these directions.
在法律允许的情况下同意或拒绝建议治疗的权利. 患者或其法定代理人拒绝治疗的, 不按照专业标准提供适当的护理, 经合理通知,医院可以终止与患者的关系. 患者有权被告知其拒绝的医疗后果.
Not be transferred to another facility or organization unless you have received an explanation of the need for the transfer, 这种转移的替代办法, 除非转移到另一个机构可以接受.
Be informed by the physician responsible for your care of continuing health care requirements following discharge from the hospital.
请求和接收, 不管你的医疗费用来自哪里, 在医院提供服务的分项帐单. 病人 have the right to a timely notice prior to termination of eligibility for reimbursement of any third-party payer for the cost of care.
Exercise cultural and spiritual beliefs that do not interfere with the well being of others or the planned course of medical therapy for the patient.
不受隔离或约束的, 任何形式的, 作为一种强制手段, 纪律, 方便, 或者被员工报复.
Expect the hospital to provide an interpreter when patients do not speak or understand English or need American Sign Language services.
医院涉及婴儿的父母和/或法定监护人, 孩子们, or adolescent patients throughout the course of 治疗 and provides any of the above described privileges and information to the parents and/or guardians.
患者有权了解医院启动程序的信息, 审查, 解决他们的投诉, including the quality of care that you receive or if you feel the determined discharge date is premature. 病人可以在不影响治疗的情况下提出投诉或申诉.
- 在高点血量-萨姆纳, 科室主任负责处理病人和家属关心的问题. Complaints should first be filed with the appropriate Director or shift supervisor of the area where the issue occurred. 但是,投诉和不满也可以通过电话提出 615-328-5537.
- 在高点医疗站-河景, 科室主任负责处理病人和家属关心的问题. Complaints should first be filed with the appropriate Director or shift supervisor of the area where the issue occurred. 但是,投诉和不满也可以通过电话提出 615-735- 5117.
- 在高点健康-特鲁兹代尔, 行政部门负责处理病人和家属的问题. 投诉和不满可以通过电话提出 615-328-6704.
You have a right to file a quality of care concern with your insurance company to further investigate on her behalf.
电子邮件: complaint@jointcommission.org
The State of Tennessee is graced with some of the finest health care professionals and 治疗 facilities in the United States. 田纳西州的大多数医疗保健提供者都是有能力和有爱心的人, 大多数人对他们得到的护理水平感到满意. However, when a problem is experienced with a practitioner, you have the right to report him/her. 如果您认为医疗保健提供者的表现或行为是不可接受的, 你可以通过健康相关委员会提出申诉, 调查办公室. Issues that are not within Board Authority: Fees and/or billing disputes (amounts charged for services, 过高, 等). 你可浏览以下网页下载投诉表格(PH3466) http://health.state.tn.us/boards/complaints.htm 或致电消费者事务部联络 1-800-342-8385.
你有责任提供, 据你所知, 提供准确完整的投诉信息, 过去的疾病, 住院治疗, 药物治疗, 以及其他与健康有关的事情.
You and your visitors have the responsibility to report unexpected changes in condition to the responsible healthcare provider.
You are responsible for reporting whether you understand the 治疗 plan and what is expected of you.
You have the responsibility to question the hospital staff if a procedure or 治疗 does not seem appropriate.
You are responsible for following the 治疗 plan recommended by the healthcare provider primarily responsible for your care.
You are responsible for your actions if you refuse 治疗 or do not follow the healthcare provider’s instructions.
You are responsible for assuring the financial obligations for your healthcare are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and healthcare workers and for assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors.
你有责任遵守烟草使用政策. No smoking is permitted in the hospital buildings or on the adjacent property in compliance with State law.
You are responsible to discuss pain relief options and to develop a pain management plan with the doctors and nurses.
您和您的家庭成员有责任报告在患者护理中发现的风险. 你有责任确保个人物品和贵重物品的安全.
你有责任认识到你的生活方式对你个人健康的影响. Your health depends not just on your hospital care, but on decisions you make in your daily life.